Published in the July 18, 2019 edition.


WAKEFIELD — The town will soon be seeking two individuals to fill vacancies on the Board of Library Trustees following the resignations of two members.

Library Trustee Joseph Tringale has resigned because he is moving out of town. Michael J. Bourque is also leaving the board. Both terms are due to expire in April 2020.

The Town Council this week authorized Town Administrator Stephen P. Maio to advertise for candidates to fill the unexpired terms. Candidates will be asked to send a resume and a letter of interest to the Town Administrator’s Office.

At a future date, the Town Council and the remaining members of the Board of Library Trustees will meet in joint session to elect two individuals from the pool of applicants. Those individuals will serve on the Library Board until the April 2020 Town Election, at which point they may choose to run for a full three-year term.


In other business this week, the Town Council renewed the Class II used car dealer’s license for Reynold’s Auto Sales at 110 Albion Street.

The Town Council also voted this week to approve and sign the purchase and sale agreement and deed conveying a parcel of land at the corner of Humphrey and Lasalle streets to Christine Sancinito of 27 Humphrey St. Sancinito’s bid to purchase the 2,000 square-foot town-owned parcel abutting her property was unanimously accepted by the Town Council at its Jan. 14, 2019 meeting.